Greetings lovelies, hope that all is well with you!
As we are entering into a the final quarter of the year, I thought that it would be great for me to do an update about life and well, what I have been busy with - school.
Being a year 2 student now, I have gain better understanding of what works for me in university - but there is still much to improve on. I'm trying to better adapt to my environment and schedules and come up with a system to balance between school-work-family-social life. I would say that my effort is... commendable. Hehe
Over the past months, I have been trying to cope with some health issues. Although I will always remain as a patient, but I believe that I am on the road to recovery. School have been a great help in my recovery process and have also been a source of motivation to "keep moving forward" and lead a healthier lifestyle. This semester around, I have freed myself from some of my self-created mental blocks. I finally am finally able to feel more confident and comfortable in letting people into my life after years of feeling trapped in my own mind. I am able to now strike conversations without hesitations and feel comfortable in my skin - like how I was years ago. I think that taking part in various school activities and meeting new people (hearing from their experiences, exchanging insights etc) really helped me to grow a lot this semester as well - and it made me a lot happier :)
As we are right in the middle of the semester, it only means that the deadlines for projects and finals are looming around the corner. I told myself that this semester, I need to work smarter and harder so that I would be able to go for my intended exchange that I have planned since Day 1 in University. A goal that is within reach, yet hard to achieve. Hmm, hwaiting!
Other than that, the past months have also taught me to avoid toxic people - realise the harm they are bringing to my mental health and realise that I can filter them out of my life. You have probably seen the above sentence somewhere floating online. But it is important and it is real. Toxic people not necessarily have to outright make you unhappy though mean comments or actions, sometimes it can just be emotional abuse - something you have to figure out on your own.
But then again, through the hard times, it showed me who my true friends are - the people that checked on me, ensured me that they will be there always to lend me a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on - especially my brother, even though he is in camp most of the time. (A big thank you my dear friends *inserts kissy face*)
The past months showed me the importance of meeting new people, trying new things as well as giving myself a chance before I say no. In fact, saying "yes" to so many things over the past months, brought about so much positive changes to my life. I can safely say that I am a lot happier than I was before.
I hope that if you have been declining or avoiding certain things in your life, let the last quarter of the year to be the time you give yourself an opportunity by saying yes! (to the right things)
Let yourself feel emotions you never did, do the things you have always wanted but never go the courage - that cute guy you liked? TALK TO HIM. Always wanted to attend social gatherings but was afraid that you would be an awkward wallflower there? GIVE YOURSELF A CHANCE, START TALKING TO PEOPLE FIRST! You might just meet like minded people there and make great friends that last a life time! etc. Just remember, don't shortchange yourself, give yourself a chance. You deserve the happiness that you have created on your own. :)
All the best in making the last 3 months of 2016 unforgettable and meaningful!
The next post will definitely be TaiChung travel guide, haha. THANK YOU for your support so far for my humble blog. Thank you for appreciating what I loved. You can also find me on YOUTUBE and INSTAGRAM @SingingSpikes
Love yourself and others, always.
Sharleen x

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