Hello. Its been far too long since I have blogged. The only time I can settle down with my thoughts are late at night when the world is busy dreaming, and I'm busy gathering my thoughts and to string them into sentences or doing other things that make me happy.
Finally done with most of my work today, school is coming to an end soon. At 2 ends ot the emotion stick of jumping for joy yet filled with sorrow. I never once hated school, just the curriculum. But I guess without the curriculum, I would have never learnt so much stuff, I'm really glad I chose Marketing, and i glad I enjoy learning to satisfy this very curious mind of mine.
So back to the agenda, hoping to share bits of last quarter of 2014 with y'all, which is so overdue. Oh oh! Exciting news! I've managed to get my hands on Final Cut Pro X! And I'm so stoked to create new videos with that over imovie (quite restrictive with editing.) Also, hoping and planning to get my hands on a good camera this year (think investment, hehe) for photo taking and vlogging. Some hobbies are expensive right?
O C T - N O V 14:
1. Internship happened
I am so glad to have self secured my internship, cause I would be doing it alone and start a fresh, I always feel better when I do things alone, especially when I'm being adventurous. (Maybe I just have not found someone I want to do adventures with.. yet. haha)
My colleagues were all very big hearted people that were so loving and friendly, I had a hard time leaving the office without feeling sad. The word internship sounds pretty depressing, hints "cheap labour". But with all honesty, no amount of money could have got me such luck and great experience. Though I felt that I did not learn as much "theory" things, but I have gained much more than I have expected. Great friends and better understanding of human relations and communications. So if any of my ex-colleagues are reading this, THANK YOU so much! Especially my supervisor, Joanna, my sweet angel, Sykin, everyone's Mama, Magdalene, the very caring Edd and Stella and Eva, along side with Khaleeda, Pat, Kat, Wee Yen, Wen Shing and Chris! Last but not least, my cousin Cheryl who introduced me to the job, maj love. ❤
When I was first starting out, could not wait for lunch cause I was always so hungry!! Fat die me. |
My sweet supervisor sending me love while at work. I really did not expect that. And that wallpaper is my favourite thing to look at on my screen, so much to think about. ☺ |
Lift Selfie, haha never before seen. Lol |
Sweet Angel, Sykin delivering Chocos on the Sly to my desk. Nice surprise to see when I returned to my desk! |
Here's the crew, when we went to eat Briyani together for department lunch. (L to R: Eva, Khaleeda, Sykin, Stella, Wee Yen, Edd, Magdalene, Joanna, Chris, Pat and Wen Shing) |
Went to the airport to film one day and ended work there as well! Had to take a silly shot with that pile of mouthwatering chicken! |
I have learnt that the lift is a good place for OOTDs. LOL |
Burger date with my Angel. Busy taking and choosing photos. Hahaha |
Lunch date with Joanna, we had another one, but I didnt take a photo of that. Share some travelling tips and know hows. Hehe |
Some day at lunch whoop, I think we went to Thai Kitchen? |
At my farewell lunch at Bumbu! |
With all the lao das. hahah |
Here's Eva in the outfit I chose for her, we had some fun shopping together. |
Oreo shrine, After 2 months, I'm left with only 4 packets. HAHAHA I ate so much... |
2. Meeting with Friends
A. With LiHwan at Hokkaido Ramen Santouka @ Central
They do have one of the best ramen and half cooked eggs in town. Usually faced with a long queue, we were lucky that day to have gotten seats soon and spent a really long time chatting and eating. Here's to my same birthday friend! ♡♡♡♡♡
B. With LiHwan and Blaine at Simply Wraps @Raffles City
![]() |
She was laughing cause I was putting my hand over the nutcracker and saying how he is my new boyfriend, and he is so short.. Then I realised there was "Arm - Pit" Hair... HAHHA |
I am a salad monster. I can't stop eating salad! Not because it is healthy, but I kind of not like rice and noodles anymore.. |
Christmas Calendar worthy? Was a great night with them. Positive vibessss |
C. With #Cheapobuddies: Celebration of Wen Wei's, How Min and Daryl's Birthday
Went to Aston, at Changi Airport cause its Wen Wei's favorite place to dine at, she's cray about their mac and cheese! And because they were all December babies, we wanted to have a double surprise. We got howmin and daryl to help with the surprise we are giving wenwei, but little did they know that we are celebrating theirs as well! And they were shocked when (we were all shocked) when Aston was so sporting and played "Happy Birthday" song over their PA system. HAHAHAHMuch embarrassment , but sooooooo memorable! LOL
Such a good night. |
D. Singapore Arts Museum with How Min and May
I really wanted to see an exhibition at the Singapore Arts Museum, hehe it was full of interactive exhibits that tingles your 5 senses and I wont lie, I wanted to get some cool shots there. But we had such a fun time going through the different rooms and especially at the BOOB PIT. hahha
And I made a video on our trip there: (Enjoy till the last part)
E. With Theophilia!
Heheh this girl is the true hipster and the cool kid. Well maybe cause I do not warm up to people too easily, but still its fun being around her. We went to State Land Cafe to get desserts (That berry toast.. is to die for. It is really heavenly and I cannot wait to eat it again!) after eating at Choo Choo Chicken - which tastes so much better than 4 fingers! But the portions are small and more expensive..
She might kill me if she sees this. Haahahaha |
x You're so precious Theo. |
3. Halloween with Family and Meeting Jenn Im and Stephanie Villa!
A. Halloween
Decided to join the fun and celebrate Halloween for the first time.. Haha its not yet a popular thing to do in Singapore but it is slowly becoming a thing to be scared/or scare/at least try to look scary.
So my family and I had dinner at every thing with fries and then went to Scape to try our luck with the crowd, and also to just spend some time together. :)
The atmostphere was just.. Meh, was not fantastic. And of course it being Halloween, vendors got to make use of the day and make sales out of people. So everywhere were stalls selling some lame shit light up hairbands or scary masks (that are honestly smelly and I would not want to have that on my face) etc. There were not alot of people dressing up, unless "Sexy" is considered a costume (cause the number of girls in bralets/crop tops and HWS.. Here's some gifs:
Hahah and now.. the highlight of my post: I FREAKING MET JENN IM! (ok and stephanie too) but clothes encounter!! (Encountered)
Its like a tick off my bucket list?! I have been watching her for the longest of time ever since she debuted on YouTube. I knew she would be famous one day. And I have been watching her for about 4 years now? Wow.
She inspired me so much and I was so bummed when I missed out on her last visit to Singapore. And it was just so nice that she dropped by for Digital Fashion Week Singapore and was hosting a meet and greet with the other influencers. Such a cutie in real life, her face was flawless and I was so disappointed in myself for not being able to talk coherently when I was given the chance to meet her!
I would like to thank the manager and the security guard that day for being so nice and giving me the chance for the opportunity to pass her my presents and being up close and personal with both Jenn and Steph! ^^
Also met David Guison, which I only recently before the Fashion Week got to know about him. He is a handsome dude form the Philippines with really good sense of style and really sweet irl! |
And I also met Nellie! Which I thought would be much taller irl. Haha she always seems so tall in her photos! But gosh, her body is so so so slender.. |
AND its willamazing! Im really amazed by the fact that she puts in so much effort to doll herself up. its admirable. I look like crap beside her. |
UGH. I just cant.. I was literally spazzing and shaking when I saw her. Can I be half as eloquent and half as pretty as her? Need to work on my fitness too. SHE IS QUEEN, besides Miley. Hehe |
And then I manage to see them again on their last day in SG at the Singapore Design Centre where the fashion show was held. It was only because the place was near my internship place and I was still not over them..
I made a day in life video for 30th October 2014 that memorable day:
4. Parent's Wedding Anniversary
Hehe so my brother and I wanted to surprise my parents for their 21st wedding anniversary! It is no easy feat to maintain a relationship. I will not say that my parents are the most loving and romantic couple, in fact they are completely sensible and pragmatic in their relationship. LOL Their love story will come of as uninteresting but quite a stunner. Hahaha nonetheless, I am grateful to be their child and I love them endlessly. :)
Unglam, but we all look so happy! |
In awe in our 12 stories high orange-chocolate crepe cake! hehe |
That is about all for those 2 months, there are definitely more than that but these are just the highlights. Stay in touch and be updated with me on my Instagram @Singingspikes and find me on my YouTube @Singingspikes as well!
Will do a post on my trip to Taiwan and Thailand 2014 soon! I would need to start job hunting and finish up all my university applications soon.. Im a procrastinator like that. Haha
Shall end this post with a playlist (Follow me on 8 tracks @singingspikes, I do occasionally re-post cool music).
Enjoy and take care till then. Love yourself and others X
Thanks lovelies for reading!
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