Hello, so I recently went swimming at a public pool, or aka swimming complex. I would usually go with friends, however they are all busy with their finals and reports. So I thought I might as well go on my own at my pace and take this time to relax and rekindle my love for the pool.
Hahaha I never expected myself to have so much fun. With all honesty, I do the weirdest things when I am alone or when I am with my brother (different story). So here are some of my thoughts/things that I do when I go to a public pool alone.
1. Before going to the pool:
I think I better not go, I'll look so fat in my costume.
What if everyone judges me there.
Man did I put on sun screen? The sun is nuts today. What if I get burnt, with the ugly straps mark.
I'm so unfit, no no I need to do this.
I'm sure I'll have fun on my own. right? hahaha (sad smile and sigh)
2. Reaches the entrance:
Okay, it's been awhile since I was here.
How do I enter? Where is the Ez-link card gantry....
Okay I just tapped my card on the myActiveSG gantry. Hahaha the guy beside me must be laughing inside.

3. At the Pool:
Okay found it, (taps in) right which pool should I go to.
(Stands in between the deep and medium pool for a while)
Nope that lifeguard is looking at me. (Pretends to do some stretching)
Smile, look like you are okay. (Weak smile)
Better not overestimate my abilities, the medium pool looks like there are lesser people.
(Put bags down)
Okay is that lifeguard still staring at me? I can't tell from his sunglasses.
Why do lifeguard wear colourful reflective sunglasses? Do they get it for free?
Maybe its their trend.
Ok, need to take my clothes off.
Geez, like some strip show. Is he still looking?
(Removes clothing carefully and place in bag)
Okay. it's so hot, can I just jump into the pool.
Probably startle those aunties relaxing there, better do some stretches first.
(Tip toes to the pool cause of hot floor)
4. In the Pool:
Oh shit did I shave my pits? (Checks)
Okay heng, but it doesn't matters right, since no one knows me here.
Can you even see people's pit hair when you swim?
Okay what should I start off with? Err... let's do an easy one.
Breaststroke. Oh yeah.
(Swims 2 laps)

Okay, I still got this. That was not too bad.
Is my butt hem riding up?
OMG can people see my pubes when I swim?
Eww, maybe I should consider buying pants swimming costume.
I feel so violated if they can.
Omg that girl is such a good swimmer. I feel so competitive all of a sudden.
Okay let's go, you can beat her.
(Swims after her for a lap)
Yes. Haha freestyle all the way.
She looks annoyed. Opps.
Okay swim back another lap. How many should I do today?
I think 16 is a good number. Okay.
(Continues swimming)
Oh hey, lets make mini tsunamis.
(Spreads arms wide and drag them together underwater - continued doing so for 5 minutes in many different ways.)
I can't believe I find joy in this. Lets try squirting water with my palms now.
(Clasp palms together backwards and squirts)
Wonder how far I can shoot. Pew Pew Pew
(Caught a lady staring at me)
Okay shall stop and act normal,
(Unfog goggles)
Shall I act Buddha? It's so fun to sit on the floor underwater.
(Continually do so for a couple of times)
If only there are fishes here. I need to go to Adventure Cove.
Hahah everyone looks so short underwater - refraction.
(Stands up and looks down in water, looks at other people)
Wow that lady is so slim, or maybe its just the water.
She has no tummy fats, how she do that!
I need to work out more, okay let's do a couple more laps.
Okay wow I'm so tired. I'm such a weakling. Need to workout more.
Is my bag still there? (Checks)
Let's do doggy swim, heads out, paddles engines roll. (I really did that for a full lap)

Wonder if I can look elegant swimming. Maybe I should do like slow-mo.
(Hums in head Under the Sea - from little mermaid)
Okay good. how long have I swam?
It's been an hour plus. Times flies.
Let's get out to bathe before my skin prunes.
5. Gets out of pool to shower:
Why is that lifeguard so near where my bag is.
Okay grab my towel. It's so hot I wanna jump in again.
He's still looking at my direction, okay wrap towel around me to cover up.
(Picks bag and walks slowly to prevent myself form falling on the slippery ground)
Okay don't embarrass yourself, walk slowly....... good.
Reached the bathroom.
Why are there so many kids in here.
Okay they are done bathing, my turn!
6. After shower:
Man my hair is so dry.
Need to put more hair products when I get back.
Luckily I got body moisturizer.
Did I get a tan? Oh yea I did. Good job.
Will need to do my face when I get back too, its so drying.
Is my hair getting brown-er? Yay Chlorine rocks.
Free hair dye. Lol
I'm hungry... Oh yea there are biscuits in my bag.
(Exits and go home)
So just my thought process. there were more things that I did, but more or less these are the highlights of my thoughts?
I would not have left my house if it wasn't for the "just do it, just try, what can happen, good things can happen to you" thoughts that I keep telling myself.
I would like to share this very motivational video that I recently watched. It did spur me to pursue that body that I want regardless of how I think people are judging me and also made me more confident and love my body and self more.
(Nike Women - Better For It Commercial)
Thought that this was really inspiring. It reminded me that everyone have their own insecurities, especially when you're in a place full of people of different built and different fitness levels that you would keep comparing yourself to. But when you think about it, those people took a long time to reach where they are today, and they were too, once like you and me. (Weak, Lol)
I'm not one who likes to exercise outside where people can stare and judge me. I rarely run outdoors. But I told myself that "I need to take the first steps to put yourself out there and gain experiences, you never know what you can reap from it." I felt so much better after I went for a swim and so glad I stuck with my decision.
Hoped it inspired you as much as it inspired me. Let's work towards a fitter us, for a better us. :)
All the best with your next work out.
Love yourself and others,
X Sharleen.
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