Hey lovelies, today I would be sharing on some life tips that I have learnt over time, advices from people and also from reading around. Hope it helps and inspires you.
So they say that by 50 you might have hindsight of what decisions are the best for you. But why wait till 50 when you can do start making right decisions and living life to the fullest right now?
Not that I am saying I live the best or "right" life. There is really no clear black and white in life sometimes. It is mostly grey as much as I wished for it to be more clear cut. But we make do with what we can, that's how we are taught. :)
Not that I am saying I live the best or "right" life. There is really no clear black and white in life sometimes. It is mostly grey as much as I wished for it to be more clear cut. But we make do with what we can, that's how we are taught. :)
Tip 1: Knowing when to walk away and saying "No!"
Going in strong with this post on being firm with others. In life, many of us are soft hearted and do not wish to offend or leave a bad impression. We allow others to "use us" even if we are all exhausted of good will and mental strength to keep our lives together. A method that I have cultivated on my own to learning when I should walk away from something or someone is to ask myself these 3 questions:
1) Am I capable to help this person?
2) Am I willing to help this person?
3) Is this person worthy to help?
As much as everyone stresses how life is short, not everyone actually realise that we are all going to die some day, which we do not know when. To cut the chase, time is precious, decide wisely before being a "yes man". You might be able to please someone now, but are you happy at the end of the day from helping? If you are not and your answer is "no" for the above 3 questions, then reject helping that person. But at least have the courtesy to let the person know that you wished you could help but you have too much on your plate to handle.
Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and to speak your mind. You can be your own hero, drink some courage potion and save yourself from making up for lost time where you could have used to do more things that you love.

Tip 2: Spend and save wisely
We all need to buy food and necessary household items almost on a daily basis. Sometimes we need to spend on presents for other people and paying bills here and there. As much as we spend, we need to learn how to save. Saving and being thrifty is a virtue. My dad has been trying to instil in me. Successfully or not, I guess I caught his thriftiness bug in a way or another.
We need to realise that although we "Only Live Once", We cannot splurge on everything that we want in life and then live in debts. We should live within our own means (Something my parents always say). I seldom borrow money from my friends because I do not like to owe people things, it haunts me until I remember to return the money.
Since we are on this point, there are also the temptations of using credit cards. No matter what they say, it is not free money and no matter how high the limit. Think in a way that if you use it now, you need to work even harder to repay those debts, would you be more willing to swipe that devil in disguise? Living in debt sucks, and I do not wish to carry one as long as I live. I will feel like I am living in fear that the interest rates and deadlines will eventually drown me and I lose control of my finances and life. That would be such a nightmare.
1. So think long and hard on whether it is a need or a want?
2. And if you really really really want it. are there more valuable and cheaper alternatives?
(What my parents always ask me when I want to buy things as a kid)
Think about your retirement, and funds that you might need in the near future. It is hard for me to save a lot as there are always so many things that I want. (cough irony cough). But I will always set aside how much money from my allowance/salary I can spend and the rest I would leave it untouched unless needed to. Don't wait till retirement age then regretting on not saving up earlier. Pre-empt that you might need to pay hospital bills and insurance coverages, household bills and rents etc.
Though I am no where near a millionaire, I believe that every penny saved, is a penny earned $$$$$$$$! But of course, don't be such a miser as well. Strike a balance! ;)

Tip 3: Travel and fill up your pages
As there is once a quote that goes along the line of "You have never really lived until you have travelled the world." and I cannot agree more with it.
As far as you only live once, you are only young once. So I managed to convince my parents that before the "adult-responsibilities" hit me, allow me to be wilful and explore the world as much as I can. Also another thing that I do when I travel is to keep a travel log book (Which I started not too long ago). I note down the places that I have been to and a short sentence on my feelings and thoughts at that place. I tend to take excessive photos at a location because I wish hard to bring the whole place back with me and to remember each and every corner when I return from my trip.
The best way to save some money when travelling would be to wait for good deals or make travelling your job. With that being said, I really hope to be able to do an overseas exchange programme, maybe Europe or the US! Either that or maybe get travelling as part of my job. But of course I will not do something long term as I am pretty sure I would miss home and my fam fam and friends a lot.
The world is indeed your oyster., So go somewhere and experience the food and culture, talk to the people, know how is life over there. Travel and look around instead of looking at other people's pictures from your smart phone. Trust me on this, nothing beats going down to the place and experience it all, returning with stories to share and getting excited over.

Tip 4: Start living healthily
You do not want to be bed ridden and then regret how you wish you wore a knee guard or took better precautions. You will not want to eat all the junk food without thinking and then to regret when you start having breathing difficulties and been diagnose with heart problems. Hahaha just drawing some worse case scenarios, but this is no laughing matter. (*clears throat and acts serious*)
Not that we should totally cut from all unhealthy things, we can eat them, but maybe not regularly. Before reaching out for that instant food, consider if it is for convenience or an excuse for laziness? Look into the nutritional facts of your food labels and get to know what exactly you are consuming and getting out from the food that you are eating. Do your own cooking if you can, so as to exercise portion control and amount of sugars/salt/msg etc that goes into your food.
And if you are planing to lose weight, it is so true to say that it is all about 20% exercise and 80% diet. Other than eating healthier, exercising is an important component that should not be neglected. If you're not able to commit to a full 2 hour gym session like me, try starting slow with 20-40 minutes mini workout sessions at home or jogging around the neighbourhood.
Activities such as swimming and jogging works best to lose weight in more than one part of your body as they use different muscles. Also, try out some weight lifting or anti-gravity exercises to work on your core. Your core, back and abdominal muscles, is important to help you in everyday tasks.
And if you are planing to lose weight, it is so true to say that it is all about 20% exercise and 80% diet. Other than eating healthier, exercising is an important component that should not be neglected. If you're not able to commit to a full 2 hour gym session like me, try starting slow with 20-40 minutes mini workout sessions at home or jogging around the neighbourhood.
Activities such as swimming and jogging works best to lose weight in more than one part of your body as they use different muscles. Also, try out some weight lifting or anti-gravity exercises to work on your core. Your core, back and abdominal muscles, is important to help you in everyday tasks.

On one last note, I wish you all the best in living a purposeful life.
With high hopes that I will not disappoint my future self as well.
Here's to the future, here's to us.
Love yourself and others,
X Sharleen
With high hopes that I will not disappoint my future self as well.
Here's to the future, here's to us.
Love yourself and others,
X Sharleen
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